Jade Farms is a long-established family run farming partnership in East Kent growing a range of arable crops, mainly wheat, barley, peas, beans and oilseed rape. Potatoes, cauliflowers, cabbages, leeks, linseed and onions have also been a part of the rotation.
Farming from sea level up to 450ft, more or less the highest point in Kent, soil types range from fine loams through clay marshland up to some hilly clay and flint banks. Woodland provides spectacular displays of bluebells in April/May. A range of wild woodland flowers flourish throughout the year.
Diversification is a priority to make use of redundant buildings and other assets. Current projects include:
1. 2 large reservoirs covering around 8 acres, at the end of a private road, currently let for club angling purposes.
2. Various buildings for storage / workshop uses
3. Stabling and grazing facilities available in a quiet location.
4. Storage available for caravans/motorhomes. 5. Solar energy installations.